Natures Grace Acupuncture Center provides a wide range of integrative and holistic therapies. We take the entire person into account when determining the proper treatment. Scroll down to see the list of services provided by our expert therapists in Murrieta.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can raise the fertility potential for women by affecting the quality, quantity, balance, and flow of Qi (pronounced "chee") and blood. When Qi, also called Life Energy, and blood are circulating freely throughout the body, every cell, tissue, and organ is properly nourished and well-functioned. When this occurs, a woman's health and fertility are increased. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are completely natural.
No drugs are ever used. In the treatment of infertility, undesired side effects and accumulated toxicity from invasive procedures and drug therapies may occur.
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(951) 296-1688
Count on us to effectively heal your ailment.
25470 Medical Center Dr #104
Murrieta, California 92562