Abdominal Acupuncture is totally revolutionary in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves the application of acupuncture needles following the Abdominal Meridian System, AMS, introduced by Professor Zhiyun Bo, known as Bo’s Method of Abdominal Acupuncture, BMAA.
History of Abdominal Acupuncture: Over two decades ago, Professor Bo came across a resistance case of low back pain with sciatica. Both Western and Traditional Conventional Chinese techniques failed to help. Professor Bo decided to apply needles at the acupoints “qi hi, Ren 6 and “guan yuan, Ren 4, part of the Abdominal Meridian System which has a connection with the meridian of the lumbar regions. The pain disappeared within 5 minutes. This was followed by success in numerous resistance cases, all who achieved instant relief. This triggered his calling and he dedicated his efforts to the research of the previously understated AMS.
Following decades of scrupulous investigation into AMS, in 1991, Professor Bo perfected the AMS theory and established the present various protocols for the clinical practice of BMAA.
Important Features: It is a painless procedure, unlike conventional techniques which occasionally are poorly tolerated by patients. It is safer, due to superficial needle penetration, much shallower than conventional techniques. It is also fast acting; it can achieve therapeutic results almost instantaneously, and thus, is also known as the “miracle therapy”.
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Murrieta, California 92562